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The Faculty of Physical Education conducts exams for the second course of postgraduate studies

Under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Habib Ali Taher, and the follow-up of the scientific assistants, Dr. Khaled Muhammad, the administrator, Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza, and the Director of the Graduate Studies Division, Dr. Samer Abdel Hadi, the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala began today, the exams of the second course for graduate students for the year 2021 / 2022 The Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Khaled Muhammad, said in a statement to the Information and Relations Division of the college that the postgraduate exams for doctoral and master’s students started today with complete flow, especially since they were preceded by great and exceptional preparations, especially for this purpose represented in preparing classrooms and all logistical aspects, indicating that the Dean inspected a number of halls today. For his part, Dr. Samer Abdel-Hadi said that the number of postgraduate students taking the exam reached 43 (26 master’s students and 22 doctoral students), indicating that they were distributed to three exam halls, adding that the camera monitoring team is directly supervised by Mr. Associate The Dean for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza, expressed his thanks To the Dean of the College and the members of the Monitoring Committee for their great efforts in order to pass the exams in the fullest manner.

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