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Al-Badnaba College of Education witnesses: Holding a training course on (Developing a Basketball Arbitration Mechanism)

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Habib Ali Taher, the college organized a three-day training course entitled (Developing the Basketball Arbitration Mechanism) and the course included many axes, the most important of which is the law of the game, official references to referees and the mechanism of using the registration form with a ball cart.
The course aimed to develop information about the basketball law for female students, and to know their strengths and weaknesses by asking questions.
The course clarified the concept of the arbitration mechanism, its importance, what distinguishes it from other sports, how to use arbitration signals, and knowing personal and technical errors.
The session recommended the necessity of watching the basketball match to benefit from the movements and signals of the referees inside the match, and how to direct mistakes to the scoring table.
It is worth mentioning that both
Assistant Professor Dr. Nidal Obaid Hamza and
Assistant teacher Suad Saad Khudair and
Referee: Professor Muhammad Reda.

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