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A workshop entitled (definition of sites and how to register with electronic gates for researchers and publishing mechanism in international scientific journals)

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences organized a workshop titled “Introducing the sites and how to register with electronic gates for researchers and the publishing mechanism in international scientific journals” delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Haidar Salman and Assistant Professor Dr. Samer Abdul Hadi. The workshop included a detailed explanation of the scientific researcher, Scientific research and how to register and raise scientific research published in international journals. As well as the mechanism of registration for the first time through a presentation progressively describes the steps sequentially and how to raise research and author books.

In addition, how to write and publish research in the international magazines Scopes and Thomson Reuters, as well as how to write and prepare all the research requirements for admission to international magazines with influence factor or magazines within Scopes or Thomson Reuters and also how to know and avoid publishing phantom magazines

This was done in order to apply quality in the writing and dissemination of scientific research in international journals

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