A teacher at the College of Physical Education was selected as an international referee in the Asian Athletics Championships in Tehran

Lecturer in the Free Games Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, M.M. Sajjad Muhammad Abadi, was chosen as an international referee in the Asian Indoor Athletics Championship in Tehran.
Abadi said in a statement to the Media and Relations Division that his participation in the tournament as a “referee” (photo finish) is approved by the Iraqi Federation and the Asian Athletics Federation.
He pointed out that this international mission is the first official mission for the Iraqi Finish Line team after the amazing success of managing the local races and controlling the results on the Finish Line device. The President of the Asian Federation, Dahlan Al-Hamad, thanked the team of Finish Line referees and added that he expressed his admiration for the efficiency of the work, the accuracy and speed of the results, and the commitment of the work team in Timings, preparing accessories, and installing the finish line device. For his part, the President of the Iraqi Federation, Dr. Talib Faisal, and all members of the Federation praised the participation of our technical referees and their excellence in managing the races perfectly.