The College of Physical Education conducts physical and skill tests for female students applying for direct admission for the academic year 2023__2024

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala conducted physical and skill tests for female students applying for direct admission to the preliminary studies in the college for the academic year (2023/2024).
The college registration division official, M. Eng. Hossam Muhammad Naeem, in a statement to the Media and Relations Division, said that the competent committees conducted skill tests for female students in the college’s stadiums and halls, in addition to conducting physical tests in the arena and field, and a medical examination on the field of the youth stadium, in cooperation with the Department of Sports Talent in Karbala. The tests were conducted smoothly and with a high and unique organization, and the number of female applicants reached more than 170. Advanced and for all scientific, literary, vocational, and arts branches, distributed according to admission channels
The physical tests included running 60 m and 540 m, physical exercises, jumping from a stand, and abdominal and abdominal exercises
The Deanship of the College previously provided all the necessary supplies for this purpose.