The Registration Division in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, is distributing the final results of the first round of the morning and evening studies.

Under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College and the scientific assistants, Prof. M. Dr. Khaled Mohamed and the administrator. M. Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamzah
The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, has begun distributing the final results of the first round of the morning and evening studies for the academic year (2022_2023)
The Director of the Registration Division m. M. Hussam Muhammad Naim, in a statement to the Department of Media and Relations in the college, that the division has begun distributing the final results of the first round of the morning and evening studies for all academic levels after being approved by the university presidency
Explaining that a special mechanism has been put in place for this purpose to ensure smooth distribution
Indicating that the student has the right to submit the objection from the date of today, Tuesday 4/7/2023 until Thursday, 6/7/2023
With our wishes to all students success and lasting success.