The College of Physical Education finishes its preparations for the competitive examination for applicants to postgraduate studies in the college

Under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College, the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Karbala University, finished its preparations for conducting a competitive examination for applicants for postgraduate studies in the college.
The scientific assistant, Dr. Khaled Muhammad Al-Yasiri, said in a statement to the Department of Information and Relations at the college that the committees supervising the competitive exam for students applying for admission to postgraduate studies, master’s and doctoral studies, have completed all their preparations for conducting the exam on the morning of 6/20/2023.
He pointed out that the applicants this year reached 186 applicants from ((PhD and Master))
The supervising committees have prepared all the requirements for conducting the exam, including preparing the lists of participants, organizing the examination halls, and providing all the necessary logistical supplies in terms of an appropriate atmosphere for performing the exam inside the halls, wishing all students continued success.