Approval of the title of a study in our college on the effect of the Ableton model on interactive thinking and learning the skills of crushing and blocking in volleyball for students

The discussion room of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala approved the topic of the title of the master’s student’s research. Alaa Hassan Hatem and the tagged “The effect of Ableton’s model on interactive thinking and learning the skills of crushing and blocking in volleyball for students
The discussion committee consisted of
a. Dr.. Iqbal Abdul-Hussein, President of Baghdad University
a. NS. Dr.. Rafid Saad Al-Muhanna. Faculty of Physical Education, University of Karbala, Member
Dr.. Muhammad Qasim, College of Physical Education, University of Karbala, wanted a member
a. Dr.. Haider Salman, College of Physical Education, University of Karbala, supervisor